Chimera Company - Deep Cover 2 by Tim C Taylor

Chimera Company - Deep Cover 2 by Tim C Taylor

Author:Tim C Taylor [Taylor, Tim C]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Human Legion Publications
Published: 2019-10-14T22:00:00+00:00


The Dyson ring glowed with a power beyond comprehension. Fire danced from its surface as it was pierced by the twin flux tubes that grew out of Tej Prime like psychedelic high-energy aerials.

Who were you?

Izza switched the holo-display from energy view to infrastructure view. The ring structure went dark and the flux tubes extinguished, leaving an ethereal hint of their presence. The holo display began outlining the power stations and distribution conduits, lighting up the ring with myriad pinpricks, an astral belt jeweled with starfire.

The ring was the biggest power generator in the known universe.

It both created the flux tubes and used them to mine the gas giant’s magnetosphere. Not only that, but as the ring was kneaded by the gravitational interplay between the planet and its larger moons, it generated even more power.

The most magnificent and terrifying thing of all, was that it had been abandoned by another civilization, but left in a state where whoever discovered it could make use of this artifact that they had no further use for. The builders had even left a fleet of maintenance bots that had made continual repairs for a period of time that measured at least a few thousand years but could have been millions. And they had carefully destroyed all traces of their civilization, perhaps so that those who discovered the ring could not piece together who had built it, and where they might have gone.

Where are you now, builders?

The Tej system was devoid of humanoid-habitable planets. It was conceivable that the ring could have been constructed by native gas-giant dwellers, but she felt certain that humanoids like her had come here long ago and made this thing.

And then they had left.

Lynx joined her in the holo-compartment.

If he could hear her thoughts, the droid would chide her for humanoid chauvinism. He would be right to, but the idea that people like her had built this was so profound that she couldn’t believe any other possibility.

“Why did they abandon this wonder?” she asked Lynx. “I want you to speculate.”

“If you insist. Archeologists claim credible evidence of multiple invasions of this region originating from the outer rim of the Perseus Arm. Expecting further assaults, the builders withdrew coreward, leaving this asset to buttress whoever discovered it against future attacks.”

“Which would make the Federation a buffer state. Expendable outer defenses for civilizations toward the galactic core.”


A buffer zone. Izza rolled the idea around her head. It sounded like a semi-lawless frontier region, and that felt good.

Maybe the Federation was a decent place to operate after all.

But first, she needed her ship back.

“Did you acquire what I asked for?”

“Yes, ma’am. Your emergency credit line speaks loudly in Beta Hub, as does – somewhat to my surprise – your association with your previous employer and my rightful… my previous owner. Equipment, overalls, and fake ID credentials are all there. I was advised that your species is uncommon amongst the maintenance crews, but not so rare that people would stop and stare. Nonetheless, I must advise against this course of action, ma’am.


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